Posted: October 1 2022
Ron has begun!
EventsReal Stories
Prostate and bone cancer sufferer Ron Hedley is looking to organise 33 marches, one in every County playing Over 60s cricket, the host County organising a walk. It is a two-year plan.
The first walk took place at New Road, Worcester, on the 28th September 2022, during the County Championship match between Worcestershire CCC and Middlesex CCC. The walkers were blessed with blue sky and sunshine.
31 people joined a short walk around Worcester and then spent the day enjoying the cricket plus the amazing hospitality of Worcestershire CCC and their staff. The walkers were mainly Over 60s and Over 70s County cricketers from Buckinghamshire, Middlesex and Worcestershire. We are pleased to say we were joined by some wives and Jade Dyer from Prostate Cancer UK.
We are indebted to David Hoskins of the Club who made the day possible and we thank him. The County Chairman, Fanos Hira, made us most welcome and the ladies of The Ladies Pavilion donated a lovely cake to our walkers.
With the four-day game having rain on three of the days we are so delighted we had such a sunny day for our walk.
The next walk will be along the Kennet and Avon canal on Thursday 20th October and is being organised by Wiltshire Cricket Seniors Over 60s